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ImpactKids - Westville
Children grades PK - 6th Grade.
Westville Campus Ministries
ImpactKids - Westville
Camp Believe It!
Unsung Heros! - November
Along the Way
In Your Dreams - August
Camp Believe It!
What a time we have had at Camp Believe It so far! Week 1 of Camp Believe It we talked about how John the...
Amy Vaughan
Unsung Heros - Week 4
It is our final wek of Unsung Heros! It's been a great conversation! We closed with a conversation abou thow Ruth...
Unsung Heros - Week 3
In week 3 of our series Unsung Heros, we looked in Ruth chapter 3. Here we saw how Ruth bodly asked Boaz for...
Unsung Heros - Week 2
In week 2 of our series Unsung Heros, we looked at how Ruth met and found favor with Boaz. Here was the Big...
Unsung Heros - Week 1
Week 1 of Unsung Heros is in the books! We read from Ruth Chapter 1 and talked about how Ruth chose to follow...
Unsung Heros
Superheros aren't heroic only when they feel like it - they're brave each and every day. The best heroes can even...
Along the Way - Week 2
In week 2 of our series ALong the Way, we looked at how JOb's friends comforted Job. We read Job 2:11–13; 16:1–5. ...
Along the Way - Week 1
Week 1 jof Along the Way is in the books! We talked about how Job's faithfulness to God was tested. We read in...
Church Camp 2024