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ImpactKids - Westville
Children grades PK - 6th Grade.
Westville Campus Ministries
ImpactKids - Westville
Unsung Heros! - November
Along the Way
In Your Dreams - August
Unsung Heros - Week 4
It is our final wek of Unsung Heros! It's been a great conversation! We closed with a conversation abou thow Ruth...
Unsung Heros - Week 3
In week 3 of our series Unsung Heros, we looked in Ruth chapter 3. Here we saw how Ruth bodly asked Boaz for...
Unsung Heros - Week 2
In week 2 of our series Unsung Heros, we looked at how Ruth met and found favor with Boaz. Here was the Big...
Unsung Heros - Week 1
Week 1 of Unsung Heros is in the books! We read from Ruth Chapter 1 and talked about how Ruth chose to follow...
Unsung Heros
Superheros aren't heroic only when they feel like it - they're brave each and every day. The best heroes can even...
Along the Way - Week 2
In week 2 of our series ALong the Way, we looked at how JOb's friends comforted Job. We read Job 2:11–13; 16:1–5. ...
Along the Way - Week 1
Week 1 jof Along the Way is in the books! We talked about how Job's faithfulness to God was tested. We read in...
Church Camp 2024
Turn It Up!
July ImpactKids
Amy Vaughan