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In week 2 of our series ALong the Way, we looked at how JOb's friends comforted Job.  We read Job 2:11–13; 16:1–5.  Here was the Big Idea:  we can show God's love in small ways.  

We wrapped up Hebrews 4:12-16.  Sometimes, our words don’t always help others because it’s tough to know exactly what they’re going through. But guess what? God knows everything! The Bible says that “nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight,” which means He sees our thoughts and feelings.

Jesus, even though He is God’s Son, was human too. That means He really understands what we go through! While He was on Earth, Jesus felt great joy and also deep sadness—He even cried! That’s why the Bible calls Jesus our “high priest.” He sits with us and understands all our emotions, even when we feel sad.

You can think of Jesus like a life jacket. When our feelings feel overwhelming, we can trust Jesus to help carry us through. Because He’s our life jacket, we can “approach God’s throne of grace with confidence,” knowing we’ll be safe and find comfort.

When someone else is feeling down, one of the best things we can do is pray for Jesus to be their life jacket too. This passage teaches us that we can show God’s love in small, simple ways! What’s one small way you think you could help someone today?