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Thank you to everyone that helped make DEEP a success!!  From the volunteers to those that supported through donations, you are greatly appreciated. 

During the weekend, our kids were able to dig deeper into God's love and find out just what His love holds.  Mrs. Stephanie and Dinkus showed us just what digging into God's love can do for our lives.   During the day, the teens had great games and activities planned for the campers, and of course, we had to enjoy some nature around us by diving into the creek.  Our teens led small groups of the morning and evening.  They were truly rock stars of the weekend!

There were so many great parts of the weekend from the games, food, lessons, worship, and time of prayer but probably my favorite part the finale.  Sunday morning we concluded when our campuses joined together for service, baptism and lunch.  I stood on the banks watching in awe as each child made a public declaration of their faith in Christ.  It wasn't long until a few adults joined the group, some planned and some in the moment.  God's goodness was all around.  We baptised around 35 individuals.  God is good!  As the last person was baptised, those on the banks joined together to sing Amazing Grace.  It was a perfect moment to just bask in His glory.  

I can't thank everyone enough for the support and prayers that went into this weekend.

Amy Vaughan